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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/02/24

6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, February 24, 2014

Present: Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Selectman Gottling opened the meeting at 6:38PM.

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0145-0023-0000 51 Caldwell Lane Stephen Trenholm
Parcel ID: 0226-0030-0000 284 Route 11 Richard K. Osborne
Parcel ID: 0109-0002-0000 7 Westwood Road John & Doreen Brandolini
by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous
Motion to approve the following After the Fact Application:
Parcel ID: 0109-0002-0000 7 Westwood Road John & Doreen Brandolini
by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous

•John Augustine attended the Harbor House Livery Meeting on Tuesday, February 11th, which he thought was very informative. John Augustine stated that it was announced at that meeting that two (2) ideas were going to be put forward, but with no numbers. John Augustine would hope the Board would ask either the Harbor House Livery Committee or Better Future Alliance to present one or both of the ideas, but to include numbers to see if it is feasible before we spent any more of their time or energy before going down this path.    

•Donna Nashawaty asked the Board if they would authorize her to sign all bank documents related to the Claremont Savings funding Perkins Pond Project, the existing bank documents state that Fred Gallup will be the Town’s Agent. Motion to authorize Donna Nashawaty to act on behalf of the Town in relation to the Claremont Savings funding for Perkins Pond by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•Selectman Gottling read the following request from Scott Hazelton, Highway Director
The Board of Selectmen authorizes Scott Hazelton, Highway Director for the Town of
Sunapee, to post weight limits on town roads per RSA 231:91 “in order to prevent unreasonable damage or extraordinary municipal maintenance expense” and to grant       exemptions from the weight limits.

A public notice stating that on or about March 1 through May 15, 2014 All Class V Roads will be restricted to a maximum of 6 tons total weight of vehicle and load, and all Class VI Roads will be closed to wheeled vehicles. Written exemptions may be obtained from the Highway Garage Personnel. Per Order of the Sunapee Board of Selectmen, Pursuant to RSA 41:11 & 47:17 will be posted in the paper. Motion to authorize Scott Hazelton to post weight limits on town roads as per RSA 231:191 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

Motion to approve the use of facilities from the Sunapee Fire Dept. Association to use Veterans Field on July 5th for Firefighters Day by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the Sunapee Fire Dept. Association 50/50 Raffle Permit to be held at Firefighters Day on July 5th by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous
Motion to approve the Sunapee Fire Dept. Association Chinese Auction to be held at Firefighters Day on July 5th by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•The Board received a raffle permit from Abbott Library Foundation to raffle off a quilt, but the application did not have a drawing date. Selectman Gottling tried to call the applicant for the information. After some discussion, it was decided to approve the raffle permit contingent upon having a drawing date. Motion to approve the Abbott Library Foundation Raffle Permit contingent on a start date by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
•The Board received the January Budget Summary
•Non-public-RSA 91-A: 3, II (a)-Dismissal, promotion, or setting compensation for public employees
        7:11PM A motion was made by Selectman Trow to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3, II (a)-Dismissal,                   promotion, or setting compensation for  public employees. Selectman Hastings seconded the motion and roll call vote                     approved Unanimous
        7:34PM A motion was made by Selectman Trow to come out of non-public    session under RSA 91-A: 3, II (a)-Dismissal,                    promotion, or setting compensation for public employees. Selectman Hastings seconded the motion.        Unanimous.
        Chief David Cahill stated that he was exploring the possibly of running for the Sullivan County Sheriff. Chief Cahill wanted the                Board to hear the news from him and that it would not interfere with his duties as Sunapee Chief of Police.

•Selectman Trow said the UVLSRPC would be voting on Wednesday, February 26th on the Executive Director.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:41PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow